Efficient Mac Protocols For Wireless Sensor Networks

This paper proposes a MAC protocol for Radio Frequency (RF) energy harvesting in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). In the conventional RF energy harvesting methods, an Energy Transmitter (ET) operates in a passive manner. An ET transmits RF energy signals only when a sensor with depleted energy sends a Request-for-Energy (RFE) message. Unlike the conventional methods, an ET in the proposed. Sensor networks they are secondary. This paper presents sensor-MAC (S-MAC), a new MAC pro-tocol explicitly designed for wireless sensor networks. While reducing energy consumption is the primary goal in our design, our protocol also has good scalability and collision avoidance capability. It achieves good scalability and collision avoidance. MAC protocols in wireless sensor networks play an important rule in energy consumption. In this paper, we first show that the properties of sensor network and its different with other wireless.

Sensor Media Access Control(S-MAC) is a network protocol for sensor networks. Sensor networks consist of tiny, wirelessly communicating computers (sensor nodes), which are deployed in large numbers in an area to network independently and as long as monitor their surroundings in group work with sensors, to their energy reserves are depleted. A special form of ad hoc network, they make entirely different demands on a network protocol (for example, the Internet) and therefore require specially for them developed network protocols. Sensor Media Access Control specifies in detail how the nodes of a sensor network exchange data, controls the Media Access Control (MAC) to access the shared communication medium of the network, regulates the structure of the network topology, and provides a method for synchronizing.

She is currently performing research in the area of wireless sensor networks at Ramanujan Computing Centre, Anna University, Chennai, India. Her areas of interest include wireless ad hoc networking, sensor networks, and energy‐efficient MAC protocols.

Although today primarily of academic interest, S-MAC was a significant step in sensor network research and inspired many subsequent network protocols. It was introduced in 2001 by Wei Ye, John Heidemann and Deborah Estrin of the University of Southern California and was intended to conserve scarce, non-rechargeable energy resources of sensor nodes.[1] The development was supported financially by the US military agency DARPA under the project Sensor Information Technology (Sensit).

Efficient Mac Protocols For Wireless Sensor Networks

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  1. ^Ye, Wei; Heidemann, J.; Estrin, D. (2002). An energy-efficient MAC protocol for wireless sensor networks. INFOCOM 2002. Twenty-First Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies. Proceedings. IEEE. 3. pp. 1567–1576. CiteSeerX10. doi:10.1109/INFCOM.2002.1019408. ISBN978-0-7803-7476-8.
Efficient Mac Protocols For Wireless Sensor Networks

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Efficient Mac Protocols For Wireless Sensor Networks Wireless

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An Adaptive Energy-efficient Mac Protocol For Wireless Sensor Networks

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